Work With Your Doctor To Avoid A Delayed Cancer Diagnosis
The month of November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. These national month observations are intended to shine a light on various types of cancers to encourage you, as the patient, to be proactive with your health. In many cases they work and people go get screened more frequently than they would in other months.
A cancer screening for any kind of cancer is a good thing to have done and be proactive about. No matter what type of cancer you are diagnosed with, early detection is the best protection and will give you the best chance to survive. This is why it is critically important to get screened. However, a screening is not enough.
If you are screened for cancer and your doctor does not make a diagnosis at the time, but you later find out that you do in fact have that type of cancer, that may be considered a delayed cancer diagnosis which could lead to a Connecticut medical malpractice case. Unfortunately doctors misdiagnose cancers and this can lead to worse outcomes in the long run for treatment.
There are some things you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to you or a loved one.
- Trust your body. If you are not feeling right and suspect it may be something other than what your doctor is suggesting don’t be afraid to push her/him to continue investigating. You know your body, you know how you feel, it may require some prodding to get the proper testing and get to the right diagnosis.
- Get a second opinion. If you suspect that you may not have gotten a proper diagnosis you may want to seek a second opinion. Your health is too important to just take someone’s word for it.
- Ask as many questions as you have. Using your voice is especially important in the doctor’s office and you should not be afraid to speak up if you don’t understand something or you don’t have all the answers you are looking for.
- Get continually screened. While you don’t want to get unnecessarily screened, after a certain age for certain types of cancers you are going to want to get screened regularly. If you don’t, your cancer may get missed.
If the diagnosis of your cancer is delayed, there may not be any malintent, but it could be the difference between being able to be cured fully or having a battle on your hands. This type of Connecticut medical malpractice should not go without investigation and ultimately accountability.
As we acknowledge National Lung Cancer Awareness month make sure you are taking all the necessary precautions with your health and getting screened according to your medical provider’s schedule of cancer screenings. You will be glad you did.