What Are the Stages of Melanoma Skin Cancer?
Melanoma is one of the least common forms of skin cancer, but is one of the most deadly. Staging this variety of cancer is done is a variety of ways including biopsy, examination, diagnostic testing (CT scans, MRIs, etc), according to the American Cancer Society.
Classifying melanoma is done most often with the American Joint Commission on Cancer TNM System. This system is based on three main components:
T: stands for tumor and how much it has grown within the skin. The tumor is assigned a number (0-4) based on its size.
N: stands for lymph nodes. Diagnostic testing should detect whether the melanoma cells have spread to the lymph nodes or to the connecting channels.
M: this classification is based on whether the tumor has spread, or metastasize, to other organs; and on blood levels of LDH.
If you or your loved one had a delayed melanoma diagnosis, call our office immediately. Our doctor/attorney Robert Messey and nurse/attorney Gayle Sullivan will begin a medical and legal investigation immediately.