Volatile Truck Accident Statistics Show An Uncertain Future For Drivers
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) there is great volatility in the number of fatal accidents that involve large trucks and buses. The numbers have been shown to have great swings over periods of time that give uncertainty to drivers and businesses alike.
With significant differences over a variety of time periods it can be challenging for large truck and bus companies to make appropriate safety decisions on how to best utilize their resources over the course of many years. There are of course, important federal regulations that govern the safety of these vehicles and how they maintain safe operation while sharing the road with drivers.
Connecticut truck accidents are very common due to the increased volume of traffic that drives along our Interstates as our state is a pass through for trucks going up and down the eastern seaboard. It is important for residents who are traveling alongside these large trucks and buses to have a strong sense of traffic trends. The following statistics were reported by the FMCSA and show an up and down picture of traffic fatalities as a result of large truck and bus accidents.
- Between 2005-2009 the number of accidents that resulted in fatalities involving large trucks or buses decrease by 34%
- The decrease was erased and an increase of 45% between 2009-2018 occurred
- The increase between 2009-2018 was the least pronounced in 2017 and 2018. Both years saw an increase of just 1% in fatalities due to truck accidents.
These numbers were also mirrored in the statistics that surrounded accidents that resulted in injury but not death during these same time periods.
- Between 2002-2009 the number of large truck and bus accidents declined from 102,000 to 60,000 (-41%)
- From 2009-2018 those numbers increased from 60,000 to 97,000 (+62%)
It is important to measure and understand the statistics surrounding large truck and bus accidents throughout the country and in our own state as it makes for better safety policy on our roads. Cities, states, and the federal government can all track the results of these studies and implement mitigation strategies to help save lives.
The best mitigation strategy you can implement to protect yourself from being involved in a Connecticut truck accident is to give yourself some space when driving among these giant vehicles. Remember trucks and buses take much longer to stop than an average four wheel vehicle and when you come to a sudden stop if you are not keeping proper distance from these big vehicles it can result in a terrible accident.
Whether you’re a commuter or someone who uses our highways sparingly you should always drive carefully and obey the speed limit. If you find yourself injured from this type of accident you may need to speak with an attorney. Contact our office so we can review your case.