Three Tips To Keep The Senior In Your Life Safe From A Connecticut Pedestrian Accident
According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) seniors are the most likely group to be killed in a pedestrian accident. In fact, men who are 80 years of age or older have the highest fatality rate of any other group when involved in a pedestrian accident. This group of seniors has a fatality rate of 4.55 deaths per 100,000 population.
This is a staggeringly high number and one that should be concerning to anyone who is aging or has people in their lives who are aging, but are still mobile. We certainly want to encourage the seniors in our lives to be mobile, but they also need to do it safely and understand the limitations that come when getting older. Here are some ways you can engage with the seniors in your life to help them stay mobile, safely.
- Keep open lines of communication. This is especially important if you do not live with your loved one. Talking about their experiences and the things that they are able to do and are not able to do can provide you important information on their abilities to help inform you how you can help them stay safe.
- Go for a walk around town with him/her to observe how they are interacting with the city or town where they live. They may have a good understanding of their surroundings that will help keep them safe when out for a walk.
- Encourage them to get annual or even bi-annual check-ups of their vision and hearing, the two most critical senses to keep them safe as they get older. These check-ups will ensure that they are getting valuable information from medical providers and you are not just “guessing” about how well they can see and hear.
It can be challenging to have these types of conversations with your loved ones as they get older because it can be a sensitive subject, especially if you feel they might need to have their independence limited, but it is so important. Relying on facts and medical history can help make the conversation less about opinions and more based on what the truth of the situation is which can help your loved ones understand the situation more clearly.If you or a loved one have been injured as the result of a Connecticut pedestrian accident you may need an experienced attorney to review your case. Contact our office.