Three Things You Can Do To Transition Your Dog Back Into A Normal Routine After Lockdown
Over the last year many of us have been in lockdown, a very unfamiliar feeling and position to be in. We are not used to being home 24/7 and our dogs are not used to that either. With the new routines came new anxieties and issues for us as well as our dogs. If dogs are rushed back into a “normal” routine they may have an adverse reaction and this could lead to a Connecticut dog bite injury.
As more of us return to our “new normal” our pets will be left with some separation anxiety and a feeling of abandonment. This will lead them to be more irritable and more prone to unexpected or unusual behaviors. That is why experts are suggesting that the reentry of dogs be structured and planned out to prevent these types of changes in behavior.
In order to successfully help your dog return to pre-lockdown life, you will want to take the following steps to allow them to ease back into an existence with less interaction and more alone time;
- Run errands without your dog. Leaving for 15-20 minutes will give the dog some independence without the overwhelming feeling of missing you for hours on end if you’re back at the office.
- Slowly socialize your pet again. This could be a walk around the block to visit neighbors dogs or a trip to a local dog park. It is a good idea to keep your dog on a leash at all times until he becomes more comfortable around other dogs.
- Do things in your house without your dog. If you’re cleaning the dishes, close the door so the dog cannot come in. This will give the dog the chance to be away from you without being alone. It may be hard at first, but it will be good for you and the dog when you have to go off to work for the first full day back from lockdown.
Transitioning back into a “new normal” will be challenging for humans, but we cannot forget our furry friends who had their worlds turned upside down a year ago as well. While a pre-pandemic pooch may not have been prone to biting, if not properly reentered back into the world, a post-pandemic pooch may have an unexpected reaction that leads to a Connecticut dog bite injury.
If you or loved one were injured by a dog or other pet you may want to have an attorney review your case. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys can make sure your long term interests are protected.