These Types Of Injuries Account For Nearly Half Of All Playground Injuries
Summer is almost upon us and that means more time at the playground for our kiddos. There are very few things in the world that light up a child’s face like a trip to the playground. For parents though, the playground can be a place where you are faced with the reality that your child may get hurt and all that comes with that.
A playground is a place where children may experience their first personal injury accident and that is scary to parents. While there is danger at some playgrounds, a well maintained playground is far safer than one that has been neglected. If you arrive at a playground and there are swings hanging by one chain and slides coming unbolted from the ground, you might want to turn and go to another playground in the area. You may also want to report these hazards to your local recreation department to be repaired.
All of this being said, injuries on both public and private playgrounds do occur and they can be at times serious. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there are a variety of injuries that can occur at playgrounds, some of them include;
- Serious bone fractures
- Severe internal injuries
- Concussions
- Dislocations
- Amputations
These five injuries, according to the CDC, make up just under 50% of all injuries that occur at playgrounds. If your child is injured on the playground it is so critical that they are seen by a medical provider who can assess her/his injury in a timely manner.
Death of children on playgrounds remains rare, although it does happen. In the most recent data reported by the CDC, in the decade between 1990 and 2000 there were 147 deaths of children aged 14 years old or younger. Of these 147 deaths 70% of them occurred on playgrounds that were in the child’s yard or a friend’s yard and NOT a public playground.
No one likes to see a child get injured, so when an injury on a playground happens we want to make sure that the child’s long-term interests are being met. Our experienced attorneys can review your case if your child has been injured.