These Bone Issues After Surgery May Be Considered Connecticut Medical Malpractice
If you’ve broken a bone due to a traumatic accident you have already gone through a lot and if that injury is compounded by a deviation of the standard of care by your medical provider it may be considered Connecticut medical malpractice.
Injuries to your bones can be serious and long lasting. In fact, they may do lasting harm to your ability to function in your personal or professional life. It is these types of injuries that need special care from a surgeon. While working to repair your bones and provide you with treatment there are times where surgeons make mistakes and can do more harm than was caused by the original accident. Some of the issues that can happen or be made worse by surgery include:
- A fracture that does not heal or takes longer to heal than usual can be a complication from surgery. If your fracture does not heal, that is called a nonunion fracture. A fracture that takes longer to heal then it otherwise would is called a delayed union fracture.
- Osteomyelitis or bone infections often occur during the trauma, but may also occur when a surgeon is trying to set the bone.
- When bones are being set they can become deformed and can heal in abnormal positions leaving you with a lasting injury that may impact your day to day life.
When you experience a trauma to one or more bones it can be a very painful experience that may be made worse if the surgeon who is attempting to fix the bone makes a mistake that can leave you with long term damage. In Connecticut when a medical provider deviates from the standard of care leading to a lasting injury it may be considered Connecticut medical malpractice.
It may be difficult to do your due diligence when in an emergency situation like an accident that has caused a bone trauma, but if you can, make sure you know everything you can about the surgeon who will be working on helping you heal. It is best to ensure that he/she has performed the type of surgery that is being performed before and that he/she has been successful in the past.
Bone injuries can be serious and if you’ve experienced this type of trauma followed by a worsening injury due to the medical care you were provided, contact our office immediately. One of our experienced attorneys will begin a medical and legal investigation into your injury.