Study Finds E-Scooters Present New Risks For Connecticut Pedestrian Accidents
You may have seen them zooming down the streets or on sidewalks throughout the state. They look like a fun and efficient way to get around town without polluting the environment too much, but beware, e-scooters present tremendous risks.
A new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) looked at how these new vehicles were affecting activities on the road and sidewalks and it found that they presented a significant risk of causing a Connecticut pedestrian accident. The survey of 100 e-scooter riders who were admitted to the hospital due to an injury when riding found out some interesting statistics as compared to those riding bicycles.
- E-scooter riders suffered more injuries per mile then bicycle riders
- Bicyclists were 3 times more likely to get hit by a car
- E-scooter riders were 2 times more likely than bicyclists to be injured by hitting a pothole or crack in the sidewalk
Where the e-scooter riders were riding mattered a lot in determining whether or not they were injured. In fact, the study found that 3 out of 5 riders were injured while riding on a sidewalk, which in many cases was prohibited. Alternatively only 20% of riders who were riding on the street in a bike lane or on a multi-use trail were injured. This indicates that these types of vehicles, which are often seen zooming along a sidewalk should follow the rules of the road set forth for cyclists.
E-scooters are a relatively new way for people to get around city streets and many municipalities are starting to regulate the use of these vehicles. For instance, Washington, D.C. recently passed an ordinance requiring manufacturers of the vehicles to cap the speed of them at 10 M.P.H. This is something that many towns and cities are looking at as the vehicles become more and more popular.
If you or a loved one were injured as the result of a Connecticut pedestrian accident involving an e-scooter, contact our office immediately. One of our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys will review your case.