Milford Auto Accident Leads To Fatality For 24-Year-Old
In a Connecticut auto accident that should be filed under preventable, a Stratford woman was driving her vehicle while a Florida man was riding on TOP of the vehicle. After the vehicle turned suddenly the man fell off the roof and died. The incident occured Tuesday August 31st late at night near the on-ramp to I-95.
While there are accidents that are truly accidents, this type of incident was truly preventable and this death is tragic. There are certain behaviors that are always discouraged when driving a motor vehicle for safety reasons and certainly riding on top of the car while it is moving is at the top of that list. Keeping yourself and your passengers safe should be the main priority of all drivers.
The following list of activities should be avoided to limit the number of preventable deaths that occur in moving vehicles throughout the state:
- Driving while a passenger is on top of the car. Whether a vehicle is moving or not, you should never be ON the car because this puts you in a very risky situation.
- Riding in the bed of a pickup truck. This popular pastime among young people is one of the deadliest things you can do in a motor vehicle. Not only are there no restraints in the bed of a pick up truck there is also no safety gear in the event that you are banged around and hurt but not thrown from the vehicle.
- Driving with your head hanging out of a rolled down window. For that matter, you should not drive with any limbs extended outside of a rolled down window. While the wind in your hair may be tantalizing, it can also lead to very dangerous situations that could result in injury.
- Put more than the appropriate number of passengers in a vehicle at one time. There should never be more passengers than seat belts in a car at one time. If a passenger does not have a seat belt she/he should not be riding in the vehicle.
Some of these activities are more common than others and activities like riding in the back of a pickup truck while it is moving may be considered something you “did as a kid” and may be looked at as not too dangerous. Whether you did an activity as a kid or not, it should be avoided today as it is known to be a dangerous way to ride in a vehicle.
Preventable deaths that occur due to a Connecticut auto accident are tragic and should be mourned. They should also be learned from so that we don’t repeat these same mistakes over and over again resulting in more loss of life.
Whether you’ve been driving in a way that would cause you greater risk of injury or not, you may need an attorney to review your case. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will work with you to protect your long-term interests.