Medical Malpractice Statistics That May Surprise You
Any healthcare provider, including facilities like hospitals, are subject to medical malpractice lawsuits if a patient is injured due to negligent care. Below are some interesting statistics on medical malpractice compiled by Becker’s Hospital Review.
Nature of Medical Malpractice Payouts
33% related to negligence in diagnosis
24% related to surgery complications
18% related to treatment methods
11% related to obstetric cases
4% related to medication errors
4% other errors
3% related to patient monitoring
3% related to anesthesia
Severity of Injury Payouts
31% related to deaths
19% related to significant permanent injury
18% major permanent injury
12% brain injuries with lifelong care
8% minor permanent injury
7% major permanent injury
3% related to minor temporary injuries
1% emotional injuries
0.4% related to insignificant injuries
It is important to note that in the state of Connecticut, a viable medical malpractice case usually requires a significant permanent injury and must have occurred within the last two years (there are a few exceptions to the statute of limitations).
If you or a loved one were significantly injured and question the level of care you received, find out if you have a medical malpractice case or call our attorneys, Bob Messey, MD/JD and Gayle Sullivan, RN/JD. They will begin an investigation into your case.
Tags: Connecticut medical malpractice attorneys, Connecticut medical malpractice lawyer, Connecticut medical malpractice lawyers, hospital negligence, medical malpractice attorney