How The Slow Down Move Over Law Is Preventing Connecticut Auto Accidents
After nearly two decades of the “Slow Down, Move Over” Law being in effect in Connecticut, drivers continue to be reminded that this is not only the safe thing to do to avoid a Connecticut auto accident but it is also required by law. This law was implemented to ensure the safety of first responders on the scene of a broken down vehicle or in the result of an accident.
If you are unfamiliar with the law it requires you to do just what the name of it says when confronted with a broken down vehicle or accident being tended to by a first responder. Drivers approaching this type of situation are required by law to slow down and move over to the next lane, if it is safe to do so. This is only required if the emergency vehicle has its lights on when tending to a situation.
Following this law is a protection, not only for the first responders but also for you. For first responders, you taking the steps to slow down and move over allows them the space to tend to the vehicle on the side of the road without increased fear of danger for themselves. For you, it allows piece of mind that you are not interfering with an on-going scenario and that you will avoid adding to the mayhem that is being tended to on the side of the road.
Some of the vehicles that you are required to slow down and move over for include, but or not limited to;
- Police vehicles
- Fire and rescue vehicles
- Tow trucks
- Emergency vehicle technicians
This continues to be a big problem on the roads of Connecticut and throughout the country. In fact, every six days a life of a first responder who is tending to a vehicle on the side of the road is lost because a driver failed to slow down and move over. To stay safe and avoid a Connecticut auto accident the best thing you can do is follow the law and keep yourself and these brave women and men safe.
Whether you’re struck when you are on the side of the road with a disabled car or involved in another type of crash, our office can review your case. Contact one of our experienced attorneys today.