FDA Proposes Ban on Powdered Latex Surgical Gloves
The Food and Drug Administration has recently proposed a ban on powdered latex surgical gloves due to the risk that the powder can cause serious respiratory side effects. The ban comes because the powder used in natural latex rubber examination and surgical gloves can contain proteins that can cause a respiratory allergic reaction in both patients and healthcare providers.
Additionally, synthetic gloves do not typically cause allergic reactions but the powder added to them can be linked to possible serious side effects including wound inflammation, post-surgical adhesions, and severe airway inflammation.
Powdered exam gloves, powdered surgical gloves, and powder used to lubricate surgical gloves are the only gloves affected by this ban. Non-powdered exam and surgical gloves are not affected and pose the least amount of risk to patients and healthcare providers (they have a Class I designation from the FDA).
Comments on this ban are open to the public on https://www.regulations.gov/#!home until the end of June 2016.