Driving Drowsy? Coffee Is Not The Answer To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident
It happens more than we would like to admit, we’re tired and we get behind the wheel anyway. Whether you didn’t get enough sleep last night or are out way past your bedtime, you could be getting behind the wheel under less than perfect conditions to avoid a Connecticut auto accident.
Drowsy driving is a major problem and one that is recognized by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) as one that is on par with driving while under the influence of alcohol. The good news is that just like driving under the influence of alcohol, drowsy driving can be avoided by choices you make.
If you do get behind the wheel and are feeling drowsy you might think that coffee is the answer to get you where you’re going safely. It is not. According to the NHTSA coffee may make you feel like you have more energy and are more alert, it’s effects may be deceiving. The effects of coffee will be fleeting and can lull you into a false sense of safety.
When you are driving and are seriously sleep deprived you may experience “micro-sleeps” which are periods of unconsciousness that can last up to five seconds and may be incredibly dangerous. This can happen, even if you’ve had your coffee in the morning. That means that if you are traveling at 55mph a micro-sleep may have you “asleep” for up to 100 yards down the road and leave you in jeopardy of causing a crash.
The safest thing to do if you are getting sleepy while driving is to pull off the road safely and find a place to take a 20-minute nap. This will refresh you more than any coffee can and will help you avoid a Connecticut auto accident and get you to your destination safely.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident contact our office immediately and one of our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys will review your case.