Drivers Admit Road Rage Causes Connecticut Car Accidents
A new study recently released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that road rage plays a significant role in how American drivers express themselves while behind the wheel. In the last year, nearly 80% of drivers expressed anger, aggression and road rage while operating a motor vehicle and those of us that live in the northeast are 30% more likely to express this type of aggression than other parts of the country.
The study found that drivers who express the most amount of road rage are:
- Males and young drivers 19-39 years old are more likely to participate in aggressive behavior.
- Men are three times more likely than women to purposefully ram another vehicle.
- Drivers who admit to speeding are more likely to purposefully cut off another vehicle.
The type of behavior reported to the study include:
- 3% ram another vehicle on purpose.
- 4% get out of their car to confront another driver.
- 12% cut another car off on purpose.
- 24% try to block another vehicle from changing lanes.
- 33% make angry gestures.
- 45% honk
- 47% of drivers yell
- 51% purposefully tailgate
If you or a loved one were injured in a Connecticut auto accident and believe road rage or aggressive driving to be the cause, there is a chance you could handle the claim on your own. If the injuries are significant, the attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan can help you prepare your claim.