Driver Shortages May Lead To Future Connecticut Truck Accidents
The story seems to be the same in industry after industry. The education sector can’t find enough teachers to fill open positions. The hospitality industry can’t find enough workers to staff hotels and restaurants properly. Now another industry is reporting shortages in staffing, that’s the trucking industry.
Truck drivers were hailed as an essential cog in combating the COVID-19 pandemic including when they were cheered on while trucking vaccines all over the country, but now trucking companies are reporting a driver shortage. This type of shortage could have a devastating impact on the safety of our roads and may even lead to an increase in Connecticut truck accidents.
The trucking industry accounts for 6% of the entire U.S. full-time workforce and often competes with warehouses and construction companies for employees. There are nearly 8 million truck drivers in the U.S. that work for this $800 billion industry.
There are significant measures in place to make sure that truck drivers and trucking companies are looking out for the safety of their employees and the safety of those that share the road with these giant trucks. There are federal limits on the number of hours that a truck driver can drive before she/he needs to take an extended break. As the number of truck drivers begins to dwindle it may become harder for companies to follow these rules without slowing down the supply chain even further which has already been strained.
Drowsy driving can have a serious impact on the safety of all who share the road. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) before the shortage of drivers, nearly 13% of all crashes that involved commercial trucks the driver indicated that she/he was drowsy at the time of the accident. With fewer drivers on the road and more drivers pushing themselves past the legal limits of driving for extended periods of time, this number is likely to go up over the next few months or years.
While there is no predicting the future of Connecticut truck accidents, these types of early indicators can be predictive of what is to come in the next few months and years on our roads. With less drivers available there are only really two outcomes, one the supply chain slows down further or two, drivers will be more likely to drive while drowsy.
If you are involved in an accident and get injured you may need an attorney to help you protect your long-term interests. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case.