COVID-19 Related Anxiety May Lead To Distracted Driving
As each day passes and more good news begins to develop around COVID-19 and vaccinations our collective anxieties are decreasing, but it is still there. Anxiety due to the pandemic is very real and can be distracting when you’re driving. Distracted driving can be a devastating cause of a Connecticut auto accident.
If you’re experiencing COVID-19 related anxiety there are some things you can do to keep it from becoming an issue while you’re driving.
The first and best way to prevent this type of anxiety from becoming an issue is to not drive at all. Driving while distracted by anything can have an impact on your safety. Staying off the road when you’re feeling anxiety can be the best way to keep you safe. While this may not always be practical, it certainly is the best way to prevent injury.
If you are unable to stop driving completely you will want to be cautious when you are driving. If you begin to feel overwhelmed by anxiety to the point that you feel you cannot concentrate on the road in front of you, you should pull over to the side of the road to pause until that feeling passes. While you may not be able to completely eliminate this type of anxiety, some deep breaths and a little time may allow the overwhelming feelings to pass.
Another option is to find someone you can share the driving duties with. You can do this safely with anyone who you are currently living in the same home with. If it is a friend or family member that is living outside of your home, you will want to wear a mask when you are driving in the same car, but splitting the duties of driving can help reduce your feelings of anxiety.
Finally, decreased traffic volume can help reduce your anxiety while driving. In this instance, if you have the flexibility to do so, drive at times when the roads will not be as crowded. No matter what the reason for your anxiety, it can be exacerbated by busy roads and heavy traffic. Driving during slower times will help reduce additional anxiety from traffic.
As COVID-19 continues to be an overwhelming aspect of life, related anxiety will continue to be a factor in Connecticut auto accidents. While it is not likely that you will be able to eliminate this anxiety all together, you may be able to take some steps that will help keep you safe when driving so it does not become a dangerous distraction.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident and believe you could use an attorney to review your case, contact our office immediately and we will begin our review right away.