Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Patients on Opioid Drugs Can Suffer Drug-Induced Respiratory Depression
Connecticut medical malpractice can occur if a patient is under opioid sedation and they fall into respiratory distress. This can cause death or brain injuries, according to a new report by patient safety organization ECRI. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines an opioid drug as one that is prescribed by a physician to treat moderate to severe pain. Common opioids are morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and methadone. Opioids can cause respiratory depression, which is a slowing of breathing that can lead to death.
Safe use of opioids in hospitals includes monitoring for respiratory depression and other side effects. Of opioid related adverse drug events in hospitals, the Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event database also reports that 29% of adverse events are related to improper monitoring of patients.
If your loved one died as the result of improper monitoring while at the hospital, this may be Connecticut medical malpractice. Contact our firm immediately to begin a medical and legal investigation.