Connecticut Auto Accidents: Drowsy Driving Causes Crashes
A study released recently shows drowsy driving is common and causes Connecticut auto accidents and accidents nationwide. Drowsy driving has not garnered as much attention as drunk driving or distracted driving because is it challenging to diagnose as the cause of accidents.
Between 2009 and 2013, 72,000 accidents were cited as being caused by drowsy driving with 41,000 injuries and 800 deaths, according to the National Highway Transportation & Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Drowsy driving has a similar effect on the body as drunk driving. In fact, someone who is awake for 18 hours, is operating a vehicle at the equivalent of a 0.05% blood alcohol level. At 21 hours, it is 0.08% which is an illegal level in every state, according to the report.
The AAA Foundation survey found that one-third of all drivers reported driving even though they had trouble keeping their eyes open.
The attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan hope that the next time you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you are well-rested.