Can Klumpke’s Palsy be Medical Malpractice?
Klumpke’s Palsy, like Erb’s Palsy, is an injury to the lower brachial plexus nerve group. If there was difficulty delivering the baby, Klumpke’s Palsy may be a result of medical malpractice, and is characterized by the loss of motion to the wrist and hand.
According to Johns Hopkins, brachial plexus injuries can be recovered from, but sometimes patients do not always get a positive prognosis.
If your child was diagnosed with Klumpke’s Palsy and you believe it was the result of the delivery of your child, contact our office immediately. For injuries of this nature, there is usually a strict statute of limitations, so you should contact an attorney immediately.
Our medical and legal team of Robert Messey, MD/JD and Gayle Sullivan, RN/JD will begin an investigation into your case.
Tags: Connecticut medical malpractice attorney, Connecticut medical malpractice lawyer, Klumpke's Palsy