Avoid A Connecticut Bicycle Accident By Avoiding These Three Things
by adminSeptember 15th, 2021
This time of year bicycles are starting to dwindle on Connecticut’s roads, but there are still plenty of people who like to hop on their bikes and enjoy a cool ride during the fall months. It is for this reason that there is still an elevated chance of a Connecticut bicycle accident over the next … Keep reading…
Three Surgeries That May Lead To Connecticut Medical Malpractice
by adminSeptember 13th, 2021
Anytime you are scheduled for surgery there is risk involved. There are simply inherent risks involved in medical procedures. That is why it is so important that you are vigilant about knowing those risks and speaking to your medical professionals about any concerns you may have. In the case of surgery your power comes from … Keep reading…
What NOT To Do If You’re Involved In A Connecticut Truck Accident
by adminSeptember 9th, 2021
If you’re driving down the road and are involved in a Connecticut truck accident there are certain things that you should do, but there is one thing that you absolutely should NOT do. Talking to an insurance adjuster before you speak with an attorney about your accident may compromise your claim. It is never a … Keep reading…
Three Things To Avoid To Keep Yourself From Driving Drowsy
by adminSeptember 7th, 2021
Whenever you are driving at your less than optimal self you are at risk of getting into a Connecticut auto accident. Whether you’re distracted by talking on your cell phone, have shorter reaction times due to being under the influence of alcohol, or get into an accident because your mind is drifting to some other … Keep reading…
Top 5 Safety Tips For Labor Day Weekend Travel
by adminSeptember 2nd, 2021
If you’re planning on heading out of town for the Labor Day weekend holiday there are some safety measures you can take before even leaving your driveway that will help you avoid a Connecticut auto accident. These safety measures will only take a few short minutes and can help keep your car driving smoothly and … Keep reading…
Every 8 Miles Driver Assist Features Failed In New Test
by adminAugust 30th, 2021
Congratulations you just bought a shiny new car with all the bells and whistles on it. The dealership undoubtedly touted all of the incredible new safety features that they have implemented into the car. It is really quite impressive isn’t it? Be warned though, as new research suggests that often technologies that are built into … Keep reading…