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Connecticut Auto Accidents: Mental Distractions Also Cause Accidents

September 9th, 2018

A study released by AAA shows that the use of hands-free technology can cause mental distractions for as long as 27 seconds afterwards. Simple movements, like changing the radio station or adjusting the volume control, can leave the driver distracted up to 15 seconds. Even voice-activated systems, like texting, phone calls, or other voice-commanded assistants, … Keep reading…

100 Deadliest Days: Limit Teens to Weeknight Driving

September 3rd, 2018

It is mid-August and we are near the tail end of the 100 deadliest days (the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day where teens are more often in fatal accidents). A study conducted by Boston University School of Medicine suggests that limiting teenage driving, or any driving for that matter, on Friday or Saturday … Keep reading…

Back to School Safety Tips For Connecticut Parents

September 1st, 2018

Connecticut parents are thrilled as the start of the new school year is just around the corner. Follow these seven safety precautions to avoid a pedestrian accident, according to the NHTSA. Stand three giant steps back from the curb when waiting for the bus. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, doors open … Keep reading…

Ways To Stay Safer On Your Motorcycle

August 29th, 2018

Isn’t the weather this time of year simply beautiful? And if you ride a motorcycle, you likely know that more than anyone. According to information by AAA, the most common reason drivers cut in front of motorcycles is that they did not see them. Bikers can help prevent crashes by using the following tips: Wearing … Keep reading…

CT Department of Public Health Disciplines 6 Nursing Homes

August 26th, 2018

The Connecticut Department of Public Health is charged with oversight of buildings and industries that are used by the public such as hospitals, schools, and even nursing homes. The DPH recently fined six Connecticut nursing facilities that put patient safety at risk. St. Camillus Center in Stamford was fined $6,000 after a patient died and … Keep reading…

CT DOT Launches New Campaign

August 23rd, 2018

The Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center are partnering for the “Watch For Me CT” campaign aimed to tackle the growing number of pedestrian accidents and bike accidents. More than 1,100 pedestrians and 540 cyclists are hit by vehicles in Connecticut annually. These accidents happen for a variety of reasons, … Keep reading…

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