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Medical Malpractice Could Be Limited By Smartphones

September 27th, 2018

According to a recent report from ECRI two of the top 10 patient safety concerns are related to internal communication and the use of technology. Both concerns are often cited in Connecticut medical malpractice cases, and they are “Internal Care Coordination” and “Incorporating Health IT Into Patient Safety Programs.” To address these concerns many hospitals … Keep reading…

Are Emergency Rooms Sending Patients Home Too Early?

September 24th, 2018

It is no secret that physicians, nurses, and staff in a hospital’s emergency department can get extremely busy with patient care. It is no secret that physicians, nurses, and staff in a hospital’s emergency department can get extremely busy with patient care There are, however, times when emergency room staff overlook something in a medical … Keep reading…

Three Ways To Learn About Your Connecticut Surgeon

September 21st, 2018

Doing your due diligence before any surgery can help prevent a medical malpractice case.  It is imperative that you not only feel confident in your surgeon, but that you also have researched him/her to determine if they are fit to perform the surgery and have a clear record of successful surgeries.   While performing the … Keep reading…

Parents Are Using Phone While Driving, Study Shows

September 18th, 2018

A new study out of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania Nursing School unearthed some troubling information that affects the safety of all children who travel in cars. The potential for needing a Connecticut auto accident attorney is staggering after you read these statistics. In the previous three months: 52.2% of … Keep reading…

New Connecticut Laws In Effect

September 15th, 2018

When the clock struck midnight on July 1, over 30 new laws went into effect in the State of Connecticut. Below are some highlights: Good Samaritan Child Abuse/Neglect. This law provides immunity from civil or criminal litigation for anyone who acts in good faith to medically assist a child who is being neglected or abused. … Keep reading…

Staying Safe While Renting Property

September 12th, 2018

Fifteen family members were injured during a house party in Hartford when a second floor porch collapsed. While no one was seriously injured in this accident, if you or a loved one is renting a home or another piece of property as a primary dwelling, you may want to consider these safety precautions prior to … Keep reading…

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