New Data Reinforces The Need For ABS Systems For All Motorcycles
by adminOctober 5th, 2021
If you’re thinking about riding a motorcycle there are a lot of things to consider. You want to learn the right way to ride and find the perfect bike that is comfortable for you. You will want to like the way it looks and decide whether you’ll be taking your bike on a long cruise … Keep reading…
Volatile Truck Accident Statistics Show An Uncertain Future For Drivers
by adminOctober 1st, 2021
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) there is great volatility in the number of fatal accidents that involve large trucks and buses. The numbers have been shown to have great swings over periods of time that give uncertainty to drivers and businesses alike. With significant differences over a variety of time periods … Keep reading…
Milford Auto Accident Leads To Fatality For 24-Year-Old
by adminSeptember 29th, 2021
In a Connecticut auto accident that should be filed under preventable, a Stratford woman was driving her vehicle while a Florida man was riding on TOP of the vehicle. After the vehicle turned suddenly the man fell off the roof and died. The incident occured Tuesday August 31st late at night near the on-ramp to … Keep reading…
What Connecticut’s New Marijuana Laws Mean For Drivers
by adminSeptember 27th, 2021
The state of Connecticut passed a new law legalizing and heavily regulating the sale and possession of marijuana for residents over the age of 21 years old. The new law, which went into effect on July 1st, will allow adults to purchase and possess marijuana while also strengthening or creating new ways for the state … Keep reading…
What Could A Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Mean For Your Recovery
by adminSeptember 23rd, 2021
When you are experiencing symptoms and you go to a doctor to get them checked out, you may not always get the right diagnosis on the first trip to your provider. In fact, it is very possible that you will either be misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. This is the case with many patients … Keep reading…
Connecticut Auto Accidents Can Happen On Slick Autumn Roads Too
by adminSeptember 21st, 2021
The common misconception is that the time of year where roads are the most dangerous due to weather conditions is the winter. Winter months do have more snow and ice on the roads, but autumn roads can have hidden hazards that may lead to a Connecticut auto accident. One of the most dangerous road conditions … Keep reading…