Connecticut Truck Accidents: Exploding Tires & Debris
by Gerard McEneryOctober 26th, 2019
It’s an all too common site along Connecticut’s Interstate highways: frayed tire debris. You can see it on the side of the road, and sometimes, right in the middle of lanes. Aside from truck driver error or a dangerous encounter, tire blowouts can cause Connecticut auto accidents. These large commercial trucks range anywhere from 10,000 … Keep reading…
Connecticut Truck Accident: 3 Obstacles Commonly Faced
by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JDOctober 23rd, 2019
A Connecticut truck accident can be devastating physically, emotionally, as well as financially. Because of the size and weight of a truck, these types of accidents can cause serious and significant injuries, including death. You or your loved one might be dealing with on-going therapies, medical bills, and more. Below are some additional obstacles you … Keep reading…
Connecticut Motorcycle Accidents: Avoid An Accident This Fall
by Gerard McEneryOctober 20th, 2019
Autumn in Connecticut is one of the most beautiful times in our state. With fall weather in full swing, more and more motorcyclists will be out on the road. This means more motorcycle passengers. Motorcyclists should be experienced riders before taking on a passenger. It you are ever invited to be a passenger, follow these … Keep reading…
Connecticut Truck Accident: What Is Interstate vs. Intrastate Trucking?
by Robert Messey, MD, JDOctober 17th, 2019
The terms interstate and intrastate are often mistakenly used interchangeably when referring to the trucking industry. However, they have very different meanings, especially when it comes to your Connecticut truck accident. Interstate trucking refers to shipments originating from one state which are destined for another. During the shipment, the commercial vehicle will cross state lines; … Keep reading…
5 Common Injuries From A Connecticut Truck Accident
by Robert Messey, MD, JDOctober 14th, 2019
No one wants to be involved in a Connecticut truck accident. Their size alone causes injuries ranging from cuts and bruises to wrongful death. Below are five types of injuries common in truck accidents. Shoulder injuries. The most common shoulder injuries are a fractured clavicle, dislocated shoulder, and torn rotator cuff. Shoulder injuries can be … Keep reading…
Most Common Spinal Injuries In A Connecticut Truck Accident
by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JDOctober 11th, 2019
Commercial, tractor-trailer, semi-trucks, 18-wheelers. These are some of the names used to refer to the massive vehicles that transport goods on our roadways. Did you know they can weigh 60,000-70,000 lbs. more than the average car that is on our roadways? Unfortunately, those involved in a Connecticut truck accident are often the ones who bear … Keep reading…