Connecticut Auto Accidents: Avoiding A Pile-Up This Winter
by Charles B. Price, Jr.February 18th, 2020
Has this ever happened to you? You’re driving through a snowstorm when you see a bunch of cars stopped ahead in the distance. You do the logical, responsible thing and slow down, but defensive driving isn’t enough. You slide over the same slick surface and collide into another vehicle. Mere moments later, another car hits … Keep reading…
Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Hospital Errors On The Rise; Up 7%
by Robert Messey, MD, JDFebruary 14th, 2020
The Connecticut Department of Public Health presented its annual report to the General Assembly with some discouraging news: adverse events in Connecticut hospitals are up 7% from 2017 to 2018. The report, which is mandated by law, publicizes that there were 376 adverse events in 2018. What is an adverse event? It is when a … Keep reading…
Connecticut Auto Accidents: Keep Ice & Snow Off Your Car – It’s the Law
by Robert Messey, MD, JDFebruary 11th, 2020
The last thing you may want to do when you wake up on a wintry morning is fully clear the ice and snow from your vehicle, but it can have disastrous effects if you don’t. In a new study released, over 500 auto accidents nationally resulted in a fatality when debris flew off of a … Keep reading…
Connecticut Auto Accidents and Icy Conditions
by Gerard McEneryFebruary 8th, 2020
Driving during icy conditions can be downright scary, especially if you were injured in a Connecticut auto accident due to a skidding vehicle. The Connecticut Department of Transportation advises motorists to think and act quickly by taking their foot off the brake if they start skidding. Keep your foot off the brake while turning your … Keep reading…
Connecticut Personal Injuries & Types of Head Trauma
by Gerard McEneryFebruary 5th, 2020
Head injuries can lead to mental impairment, permanent disability, and even death. Even mild head injuries have been proven to lead to numerous serious and lifelong consequences. Some of the most common types of head and brain injuries are: Concussion – When the head sustains trauma due to sudden movement or impact, causing the brain … Keep reading…
Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident & These 3 Distraction Types
by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JDFebruary 2nd, 2020
When was the last time you were driving and saw every other driver on the road attentive and solely focused on safe driving? It seems like everyone is distracted everywhere we look. For most, the term “distracted driving” is associated with texting, however, there are other types of distractions. Visual Distractions. Drivers who take their … Keep reading…