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8 Tips for Driving in Rainy Weather

April 13th, 2020

Now that the rainy spring weather is in full-swing, it’s important to take extra precautions when traveling in wet, stormy weather. When traveling Connecticut roadways in the rain, stay toward the middle lane. Roadways are crowned and water tends to pool in the outer lanes. Use headlights in rainy, gloomy, foggy and overcast conditions. Not … Keep reading…

Connecticut Auto Accident: Spring Brings New Driving Hazards

April 11th, 2020

The cold winter weather will release its icy grip on Connecticut soon, and warm spring weather will makes its way in as leaves grow back on trees and animals re-emerge from winter hideouts. There are also dangers that present for drivers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians that use Connecticut roads. Wear and Tear Winter wreaks havoc on … Keep reading…

9 Signs a Dog Bite is Imminent

April 8th, 2020

Summer is here and we aren’t the only ones outdoors enjoying the warm weather. Our canine friends are also visiting parks, walking streets, and hanging outdoors with their owners. Even the most mild-mannered can be aggravated enough to bite. The Humane Society advises keeping a safe distance between yourself and the dog and keep an … Keep reading…

Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Are Hospitals Responsible For Bad Doctors?

April 5th, 2020

In many Connecticut medical malpractice cases, the hospital where the incident occurred is often named in the lawsuit. In some cases it is because the hospital shares some negligence for the patient’s injury. Sometimes it is because the hospital hired an incompetent doctor. Hospitals can be held legally responsible for hiring and retaining incompetent physicians, … Keep reading…

Connecticut Residents: Texting And Walking Is The Most Dangerous Pedestrian Activity

April 2nd, 2020

After this winter, Connecticut residents are relishing in the warming temperatures that come with springtime. This means folks are getting outdoors and walking around. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, pedestrians are one of the few groups of road users to have experienced a fatality increase in the last several years. Additional research … Keep reading…

8 Ways Medical Record Errors Can Affect Your Health

March 29th, 2020

Medical records are a type of roadmap; they help your healthcare providers know what in your medical past could be contributing to your current situation or what treatment has been tried in the past. Medical records, however, are reliant on your healthcare provider to input data and accurately record your history.  An error in your … Keep reading…

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