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5 Ways You Can Protect Yourself From A Pharmacy Error

June 8th, 2020

Medication errors are when a patient takes the medication improperly (doses too close together, wrong time, wrong medication) or a pharmacist dispensed the incorrect medication. If a pharmacist dispenses medication at a dose that was not prescribed by a doctor, and resulted in a significant, permanent injury this may be considered Connecticut medical malpractice. The … Keep reading…

Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Shocking Statistics About Busy Surgeons

June 5th, 2020

Connecticut medical malpractice can be caused when healthcare providers deviate from the standard of care and it causes a patient (or their loved ones, in a case of death) significant and permanent harm or injury. A study from a medical malpractice insurance carrier conducted some research on the claims they processed between 2014-2018. The results … Keep reading…

How to Support Our Delivery And Supermarket Workers During COVID-19

June 2nd, 2020

With orders put in place by our federal, state, and local officials, many of us do not know how to feel. Only businesses deemed essential by the state are able to operate face-to-face with the public. Those businesses include mail and package delivery as well as supermarket and food market workers. Below are some ways … Keep reading…

6 Ways You Can Support Your Friends And Family Who Work At A Connecticut Healthcare Facility

May 29th, 2020

These are rather extraordinary times we are in. COVID-19 and executive orders put in place by our federal, state, and local governments are a change for us to curb the spread of this virus. Some workers are deemed essential including those who work in healthcare. Here are six ways you can help them. Stay home. … Keep reading…

Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Busy Surgeons Put Patients At Risk

May 26th, 2020

Connecticut medical malpractice occurs when there is a deviation from the standard of care. That deviation can occur during a surgical procedure when a surgeon acts in error, ordering the wrong medication, or fails to order proper post-surgical care.  A recent study released by a medical malpractice insurer shows that overtired and overworked doctors will … Keep reading…

Connecticut Auto Accidents: 17% of 17-34 Year Olds Engage In Risky Driving Behavior

May 23rd, 2020

Distracted driving is a problem on Connecticut roadways and no doubt a cause of Connecticut auto accidents. According to traffic safety experts, there are three types of distracted driving: cognitive, manual, and visual. Cognitive distractions are when your mind wanders away from driving. Visual distractions are when your eyes focus away from the road. Manual … Keep reading…

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