Connecticut Medical Malpractice: Elective Surgery Complications
by Robert Messey, MD, JDAugust 2nd, 2020
After several months of emergency and life-threatening surgical procedures allowed in hospitals, elective procedures are opening back up. Even with an elective surgery, like a joint replacement, complications after a surgery can be scary, life-threatening and the result of medical malpractice. In Connecticut, medical malpractice is a deviation from the standard of care that causes … Keep reading…
4 Ways You Can Get Injured At A Swimming Pool This Summer
by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JDJuly 29th, 2020
Summer is in full swing and during the COVID-19 pandemic you may be feeling limited to your choices for cooling off and recreation this summer. Typically, you might go to your local beach to cool off in the ocean. This year, however, you may be feeling more cautious of large gatherings. Instead, your friend or … Keep reading…
4 Summer Activities That Can Result In Personal Injury Claims
by Charles B. Price, Jr.July 26th, 2020
We are mid-summer and Connecticut residents are out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. When you make your plans, remember to be careful as many popular activities can be dangerous. If you are injured in one of the following summertime activities, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney to see if you might be … Keep reading…
Connecticut Auto Accidents: 100 Deadliest Days & Teen Driving
by Gerard McEneryJuly 20th, 2020
We are deep into the 100 Deadliest Days, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day, when newly licensed teen drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash compared to licensed adults. In data collected and analyzed over the last ten years, more than seven fatalities occur each day nationwide … Keep reading…
Connecticut Auto Accidents: Don’t Tread Lightly
by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JDJuly 17th, 2020
Worn down tire treads can pose a real threat to motorists, those they share the road with, and could even cause Connecticut auto accidents. AAA recommends that drivers not travel on light treads because motorists could easily lose control of their vehicle. To avoid your treads being the cause of an auto accident, follow these … Keep reading…
Summer Rain Storm? Take Caution When Driving to Avoid a Connecticut Auto Accident
by Charles B. Price, Jr.July 14th, 2020
Summer rain storms in Connecticut can be extremely violent and drop large amounts of water on roadways. Take extra precautions when traveling in wet, stormy weather. When traveling Connecticut roadways in the rain, stay toward the middle lane. Roadways are crowned and water tends to pool in the outer lanes. Use headlights in rainy, gloomy, … Keep reading…