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Connecticut Truck Accidents: What You Need To Know To Share The Road

August 20th, 2020

When you are traveling down an interstate highway, large commercial trucks can be imposing and anxiety-inducing. Many of us find them to be unpredictable with their massive size and speed. Motor vehicle drivers in Connecticut should take the following precautions to avoid a Connecticut auto accident. Avoid blind spots. Trucks have many blind spots because … Keep reading…

When Bicyclists Are Victims Of A Hit-and-Run

August 17th, 2020

Bicyclists enjoy the same rights and responsibilities of vehicles that travel on Connecticut roadways. When a negligent driver forces a bike off the road, slams into it, or opens a door into one, and then leaves the scene, this driver is negligent and can be held responsible for the injuries sustained by the cyclists.  These … Keep reading…

4 Ways to Keep Kids Safe at the Playground

August 14th, 2020

With the dog days of summer upon us and the on-going COVID-19 virus, kids and adults alike are always looking for ways to release some energy. The question is, is the playground you are bringing your kids to safe? Here is what to check to make sure that your children are safe both at home … Keep reading…

Connecticut Drivers Know Their Driving Is Risky, But Do It Anyway

August 11th, 2020

Distracted driving and speeding are problems on Connecticut roadways and no doubt a cause of Connecticut auto accidents. Even after three months at home, drivers are still engaging in driving that is risky, according to data from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Drivers know what behaviors are risky, but admit to engaging in this … Keep reading…

Connecticut Dog Bites Against US Postal Workers Are On The Decline

August 8th, 2020

Connecticut dog bite injuries amongst U.S. Postal workers are on a downward trend. With more Connecticut residents shopping online, postal workers are delivering more packages and are coming into contact with more of our canine family members. This news is encouraging. In 2019, there were just over 5,800 attacks nationwide. The USPS defines a dog … Keep reading…

What Can Cause A Connecticut Truck Accident?

August 5th, 2020

Summer travel, especially as our state begins to open up in this time of COVID-19, may look a little different. The Connecticut State Police have reported more fatalities despite fewer vehicles on the roadways. Large commercial trucks, however, have and will always be on our roadways.  Truckers are operating vehicles that are so much heavier … Keep reading…

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