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‌Connecticut Auto Accident: Earlier Dusk Means Riskier Roads

October 21st, 2020

As we prepare to fall back and set our clocks back an hour, the time that dusk arrives will get earlier and earlier. This will cause some difficulty on Connecticut roads and could potentially lead to a Connecticut auto accident.   When the days get shorter and the nights creep into our evening commute, driving home … Keep reading…

Three Reasons You May Not Have A Connecticut Dog Bite Case

October 18th, 2020

Under Connecticut law a dog bite injury that is sustained holds the owner of the dog responsible under strict liability, but there are exceptions. It is possible that under certain circumstances the dog owner may not be held liable and your Connecticut dog bite case might fall flat. There are a number of different reasons … Keep reading…

Sentinel Events Drop Slightly In First Half Of 2020

October 15th, 2020

A sentinel event is considered any event that involves hospital patient safety which may result in serious injury or even death.  Sentinel events lead to Connecticut medical malpractice cases in many instances and can be severe in nature.   The Joint Commission (TJC) is reporting that in the first half of this year instances of these … Keep reading…

Connecticut’s Top Ranked Hospitals

October 12th, 2020

U.S. News & World Report recently published it’s list of best-ranked hospitals. There are 50 hospitals in the state and three are nationally ranked. The following Connecticut hospitals were ranked: Yale-New Haven, nationally ranked No. 48 in ear, nose and throat No. 31 in diabetes and endocrinology No. 41 in gastroenterology and GI surgery No. … Keep reading…

What Happens If Your Connecticut Dog Bite Injury Comes From Two Dogs At Once?

October 8th, 2020

It may be considered rare, but there have been cases where two dogs have bitten a human at the same time. This type of Connecticut dog bite injury is addressed in statute. If this were to occur with two dogs from the same owner, the standard statute would apply. However, if the dogs were from … Keep reading…

Connecticut Auto Accidents: Teens Delaying Driving Miss Safety Instruction

October 6th, 2020

New research out of Yale University suggests that teens who get their driver’s license later are missing out on key safety instructions when it comes to operating a vehicle. Research has also found that teens who engage in driver’s education training prior to obtaining their license are less likely to get into an auto accident.  … Keep reading…

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