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This App Helps You Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident

January 28th, 2021

We spend a lot of time talking about how your mobile phone can be a distraction to your driving and may cause a Connecticut auto accident, and while that still remains true, there is now a reason to connect your phone to your car (not USE it while driving.) The United States Department of Transportation … Keep reading…

Do These Five Things If You Sustain A Connecticut Dog Bite Injury

January 25th, 2021

We love our furry canine friends, but they can be dangerous too, especially if they are unfamiliar to us.  The once friendly pooch can become very aggressive when faced with an overzealous stranger and that could lead to a Connecticut dog bite injury. In Connecticut, dog bites are strict liability which means that the dog’s … Keep reading…

Nurses Disciplined For Drug Abuse And Photographing Patients

January 21st, 2021

The State of Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing recently disciplined four nurses for different incidences involving separate violations ranging from drug and alcohol use to photographing a patient without consent.  If any of the actions taken by these nurses deviated from the standard of care and left their patients permanently injured it may be … Keep reading…

‌3 Things You Can Do To Avoid A Connecticut Slip and Fall Accident On Ice

January 19th, 2021

With winter weather comes the greater possibility of getting into a Connecticut slip and fall accident and injuring yourself badly.   Icy walkways and poorly shoveled sidewalks present a recipe for disaster when it comes to the possibility of getting injured badly.   The good news is that there are some things you can do to … Keep reading…

89% of Connecticut Hospitals Facing Reduced Medicare Reimbursements

January 14th, 2021

Since 2013, hospitals throughout the state have been facing the reality that readmission rates will dictate whether their medicare reimbursements will be reduced.  This year, a staggering 89% of Connecticut hospitals will face that reality.  New data provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reveals that most Connecticut hospitals will see their reimbursement … Keep reading…

Keep Your Dog Active During The Winter To Avoid A Connecticut Dog Bite Injury

January 12th, 2021

Long, cold winter months do not only make humans antsy, they also greatly impact the mood of your dog.  Dogs that are used to getting outside and running around for plenty of exercise often get moody and antsy in the winter months.   So what is a dog owner to do?  When there is cold weather … Keep reading…

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