Beware Of These Slip And Fall Accidents That Can Happen When You’re Exercising Outdoors
Even though the weather is brisk and the winter months are upon us, many of us who are still trying to get in the “new year, new you” spirit are doing our best to get out and get some exercise. Given that this year gyms are mainly closed or limited in capacity, a lot of this hard work is being done outside.
When you’re exercising outdoors there are many ways for you to get injured in a slip and fall accident that otherwise may not occur if you are exercising on a treadmill in a controlled environment. Exercising outdoors presents unexpected dangers that could lead to a slip and fall injury and sideline you from your new routine.
The following injuries can occur when working out outside and can leave you laid up for days, weeks, or even months.
- Broken bones – this can be caused by a number of different issues which may include uneven sidewalks, unexpected items in your walking/running path, among others.
- Head or neck injuries – hitting a patch of ice unexpectedly while working out may cause you to fall hard which may lead to head or neck injuries that could be severe.
- Back strain – uneven surfaces can leave you twisting and turning in ways that your body is not expected to turn and could cause lasting impact on your back.
- Muscle strain – In the same way that you can strain your back, you might strain other muscles that may cause lasting injury and can leave your routine cancelled while you heal.
Slip and fall accidents can be serious. When you’re exercising outdoors there are many more chances for uncertainty of your terrain to cause an injury. Keep these types of injuries in mind if you are exercising outdoors for the first time this year.
If you or a loved one are injured and believe you need an attorney to review your case, contact our office and our experienced attorneys will speak with you about your options.