Back To In-Person Schooling Requires Some Bus Safety Tips (For Drivers)
In our most recent blog post we discussed the importance that bus riders have their understanding of the rules of riding the bus refreshed before they head back into the school for the remainder of the school year.
It has been a long time since drivers have been on the road with school buses and you may need a refresher also to avoid a Connecticut auto accident. In the second blog in this series, we are looking at safety tips for drivers when sharing the road with school buses.
- Keep a safe distance. Buses stop frequently and tailgating a bus can have a devastating impact.
- Slow down. While you might be used to driving quickly down a road in your community, with buses out and students on the roads you should be slowing down to accommodate the higher volume of people and vehicles.
- Obey the flashing lights and stop sign. The indicator lights on the side of a bus as well as the stop sign that swings out are not a suggestion, they are a requirement. You must stop when a bus stops whichever side of the road you are on.
- Be on alert. While you may be wandering off into thought on your way into the office, now is such an important time to stay vigilant and watch for bus riders of all ages.
Riding the bus to school is going to be both exciting and scary for our kids. We want to make sure it is a safe experience for them as well. You can do your part in avoiding a Connecticut auto accident and keeping yourself and our kids safe.
Before you head into the office or home from the office, make sure you know the rules of the road that relate to school busses and give yourself a refresher as needed to ensure you are doing everything you can to protect the safety of kids throughout your community.
If you or a loved one are involved in an accident, one of experienced attorneys can review your case. Contact our office so we can help protect your long-term interests.