Back To In-Person Schooling Requires Some Bus Safety Tips (For Bus Riders)
It has been a long time since many of our kids have been back in the classroom and as schools begin to re-open, many families will be putting their kids on the bus for the first time in over a year. With this happening it is critical that bus riders are reminded of some crucial safety tips they can take to ensure that they avoid an accident.
Students who are taking the bus to school for the first time in over a year should be aware of some of the following safety precautions to take;
- Where possible, wait for the bus on a sidewalk or a minimum of 5 feet back from the street. This will give the bus ample space to pull up to pick you up, as well as prevent you from coming in close contact with on-coming traffic.
- Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it.
- If you have to cross the street to get on the bus, always look both ways before crossing to ensure there is no traffic coming.
- When crossing the street in front of the bus, always cross with plenty of distance between you and the school bus so on-coming traffic can see you as you come out from in front of the bus.
- Do not run out into the street, even if you expect the bus has stopped all traffic. There are instances when drivers do not always pay attention to the bus signs and this could have devastating impacts.
If you are riding the bus for the first time in a long time it is important to have a refresher on these bus riding safety tips. It is also important to remember that it has been quite a while since drivers have been on the road with buses and this could impact their memory on how to drive safely around buses. This lack of recent experience can lead to a Connecticut auto accident and you do not want that to involve you or your child.
Our children have had a very difficult year and giving them one more thing to think about may seem like too much, but it is so critical that we remind them of the safety procedures for taking the bus to school.
Our firm wants all kids to be welcomed back into school safely and without incident.