Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident & These 3 Distraction Types
Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 by Gayle Sullivan, RN, JD | Posted In: Auto Accidents
When was the last time you were driving and saw every other driver on the road attentive and solely focused on safe driving? It seems like everyone is distracted everywhere we look. For most, the term “distracted driving” is associated with texting, however, there are other types of distractions.
- Visual Distractions. Drivers who take their eyes off the road for any reason are engaging in a visual distraction. Looking at a cell phone is very common, yet checking on the kids or dog in the backseat, consulting a map or glancing down to unwrap a granola bar are also forms of visual distraction. Arguably, this type of distraction is the most dangerous of all.
- Cognitive Distractions. A cognitive distraction occurs when your mind is on something other than the road. This has been a driving interference long before the recent advancements of technology! When you’re talking to passengers or thinking about a problem at work, you are not completely focused on traffic. It is never a good idea to go for a drive when you are upset or need to have a serious conversation with a passenger.
- Manual Distractions. If you take one or two hands off the wheel to do anything, it is considered a manual distraction. This includes changing the radio station, eating, applying makeup and reaching into your bag. Although almost everyone is guilty of controlling the radio while driving, all of these activities take your focus off of the road, which can lead to a serious auto accident.
If you or a loved one was injured in a Connecticut auto accident, contact our firm immediately. Our team is experienced at handling cases like this. Contact us today for your free consultation.