Out For A Walk? Avoid A Connecticut Pedestrian Accident With These Five Tips
The summer is a great time to lace up your sneakers and head out for a walk. Whether you’re walking along the boardwalk by the beach or along Main St. safety should be your number 1 priority so you can avoid a Connecticut pedestrian accident.
According to the National Highway Traffic Authority (NHTSA) there was a pedestrian death by accident every 85 minutes in 2019. These events are tragic, but in many cases they are also preventable. The NHTSA recommends some of the following strategies to help keep you safe while you’re out for a walk;
- Always make eye contact with a driver as they approach. If you don’t see their eyes, they won’t see you.
- Crosswalks and street lights should always be used whenever possible. If there is no crosswalk or light, make sure you are at the very least crossing at an intersection where drivers are more likely to be paying attention.
- Never walk on the street when there is an option to walk on the sidewalk. Sidewalks are there for a reason, to keep pedestrians safe, use them.
- Avoid distractions. Checking your email or text messages on your phone could take your attention away from safely walking and could result in an accident.
- Do not make any sudden changes in your path and obey all posted signs. Predictability will keep you safe.
Walking can be a safe activity if you follow the rules of the road. If you do not, it could result in a dangerous Connecticut pedestrian accident and a walk in the park can become an injury or worse. While it is not the sole obligation of the pedestrian to pay attention and follow the rules, your safety is at risk so it is incumbent upon you to be proactive in your approach to walking safely throughout your town or city.
Sharing the road between pedestrians and motor vehicles comes with inherent dangers and accidents do happen. If you were involved in an accident and were injured contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case.