Five Truck Accidents Facts You Should Know
The state of Connecticut is home to one of the busiest sections of Interstate highway in the country with the I-95 corridor seeing significant daily truck traffic bringing goods up and down the east coast. This traffic is good for economic development, but the staggering number of injuries and deaths that happen due to truck accidents should be of concern to all residents.
Connecticut truck accidents occur everyday along our roads and they are sometimes fatal. This follows a trend throughout the country where fatal truck accidents are on the rise. While the trucking industry is highly regulated, it still sees it’s fair share of accidents which can cause serious property damage and result in devastating injuries.
We have compiled a list of some of the most important facts you should know about truck accidents from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHSTA). Keep these in mind as you are traveling Connecticut’s roads to help keep you and your passengers safe.
- Truck accidents are up 52% since 2009
- Of all fatalities that occur due to a truck accident, 68% of those killed are driving in a passenger vehicle
- A full 30% of all accidents occur due to tire malfunction on a truck
- The most likely time that a truck accident will occur is between noon and 3p
- 3/4 of all passenger vehicle accidents involve trucks
When you are traveling on the busiest roads in Connecticut, you should be aware of these statistics and take extra caution when passing a large truck to avoid a Connecticut truck accident. If you cannot avoid the busiest times, be extra cautious to help keep you and your passengers safe.
If you or a loved one were injured in an accident, you may want an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to review your case. Contact our office immediately.