Connecticut Personal Injury: Understanding Connecticut and Municipality Immunity
If you or your loved one suffers a personal injury that happens to involve the State of Connecticut or a municipality, there are very strict guidelines one must follow in order to file suit. The State and its cities and towns have sovereign immunity which requires plaintiffs in a case (the injured parties) to obtain permission from the Claims Commissioner to file a lawsuit in Superior Court.
State of Connecticut Liability
Connecticut law says the state and its employees cannot be sued for money damages. However, the Claims Commissioner can decide on most claims whether the State will waive its immunity in the case. These cases are tried in court without a jury.
For Connecticut medical malpractice claims, a suit approved by the Claims Commissioner can be filed against any state hospital or any state-employed health care provider.
Municipality Liability
Connecticut law states municipalities are generally responsible for the negligence of their employees, officers, and agents acting in the scope of their employment duties; negligence in duties that result in financial gain; and acts that result in the creating of a nuisance.
Municipal employees are generally immune from a lawsuit unless their actions were reckless, willful, or malicious.
If you or your loved one are injured and think your case may involve the State of Connecticut or a municipality, call an experienced attorney immediately. There is a very strict statute of limitations on this type of case.