4 Ways to Travel Safely and Avoid a Truck Accident
It is no secret that if you are driving down Interstates 95 and 84 in Connecticut, it can become downright scary when traveling around those large tractor trailer trucks. The Connecticut DMV has compiled a pamphlet with some driving tips on how to safely maneuver and avoid a truck accident.
1. Stay out of blind spots.
Never linger in any of the four blind spots on a truck. If you cannot see the truck’s side mirrors, the driver cannot see you!
2. Pass safely.
Always pass a truck on the left side. Do not speed up to pass the truck or go back into the truck’s traveling lane without providing the appropriate distance between your car and the truck. Trucks need more space to slow down.
3. Follow safely.
Do not follow too closely, As mentioned in #1, if you can’t see the mirrors, the driver can’t see you.
4. Stay in your lane.
The two right lanes on Connecticut highways are reserved for trucks. If you are traveling below the speed limit, state law requires you to be the in the right lane. This allows a truck to pass your car safely.
Truck accidents can cause serious injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of a truck accident, an experienced personal injury attorney may be able to help with your claim.