4 Ways to Avoid a Car Accident On Connecticut Roadways
Friday, September 11th, 2015 by Gerard McEnery | Posted In: Auto Accidents
Whether you are a motorist, cyclist or pedestrian, staying safe while traveling on Connecticut roadways is a must. The attorneys at McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan urge everyone to follow these safety tips to avoid car accidents:
- Dress the part. If you are walking or cycling make sure you are wearing reflective, bright clothing to be seen. If you are a motorist, make sure your headlights are on when appropriate.
- Sure footing. Proper footwear and tires make sure you are on solid ground.
- Stay alert. Everyone should always be looking both ways!
- Obey traffic laws. The rules of the road apply so everyone can stay safe.
The streets of Connecticut are crowded and require an acute awareness of surroundings to help avoid injury of pedestrians and other drivers who are sharing the road. By being aware and following the rules of the road we can all help to avoid serious injury to each other.
If you or a loved one have been in a car accident and aren’t sure whether you’ll need an attorney to help you settle your claim, find out here.