3 Ways To Avoid A Slip and Fall Accident This Fall
It’s hard to believe but the weather will soon take a turn to the cold and the leaves will start to change colors. Fall is on the horizon and you need to be prepared for it. Your walk around the block may present a few new challenges that you might not even think about and it could lead to a Connecticut slip and fall accident.
Whether you are aware of this or not there are dangers lurking throughout your neighborhood that could cause you great harm, and we’re not talking about the nosy neighbor that wants to know all about your comings and goings. These dangers often pop up out of nowhere and catch you by surprise which can lead to you get seriously hurt. In order to avoid these types of injuries you should make yourself aware of the things you should avoid during the autumn months. This list is a good place to start.
- Fallen leaves. A pile of leaves, especially if they are colorful, may seem harmless, but they can be an accident waiting to happen. If you see a pile of leaves, resist the temptation to skip through them like you’ve seen on a hundred different TV commercials and walk around them. There can be any sort of injury waiting to happen under a giant pile of leaves.
- Standing water. It is much more likely in the fall to see a puddle on your walk around your neighborhood. Here’s another thing that has been romanticized, but can cause serious injury. Depending on the temperature there may be ice lurking just below the surface of the water or the water itself can cause slippage. Either way, avoiding a puddle is the best way to keep yourself safe while you’re out walking.
- Sidewalk dangers. There are a number of things that can go wrong when you’re walking along a sidewalk. One of the most common tripping hazards is a crack in the sidewalk. You may not remember a crack being there, but if it appears and you don’t see it you can trip over it and end up injured. Also, if any part of the sidewalk is raised unnaturally you may run into an issue where you fall and get hurt.
Going out for a walk in the autumn air is nothing short of magical, but you don’t want to turn it into a horror movie by being cavalier about where you step and how you get to your destination. If you end up involved in a Connecticut slip and fall accident you will not be romanticizing a walk with the colorful leaves swirling around you any more.
Even if your injuries appear minor from a fall on a sidewalk you should be seen by a medical professional to insure that there is no long-term harm done. After you seek medical care you may want to seek an attorney to help review your case and protect your interests. Our office can help. Contact us and one of our experienced attorneys will look through your case.